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The Palo Alto Vintage Tractor Company!
Dedicated to restoring and leasing vintage Ford farm tractors for display, advertising and special events.>
Antique Tractors are special!
In particular the Ford N series tractors produced from 1939 thru 1952 attract the attention of young and old alike. The Art Deco styling appeals more today than when it originally came on the scene. Young children love to climb aboard, pull the knobs and work the throttle and a surprising number of older children recall a time when they operated one on a relative's farm. These visitors enjoy a 1947 vintage 8N tractor featured at the Sunnyvale and Palo Alto Farmer's Markets and their children get a special treat. Tractors bring out good feelings and introduce new generations to a time when machines were of a simpler design, where form and function provide a no nonsense aesthetic experience. No electronics, no chips, none of the complications of modern vehicles, yet these machines were as transformative to agriculture as the computer has been to modern social and business life. Henry Ford's tractors literally brought mechanization to the average farmer. This became pivotal to providing food to supply our troops, allies and citizens during the second world war and to Europe and the rest of the world afterwards. Three quarters of a century since their introduction the innovations they brought remain the basis for all modern tractors. Owning or viewing a restored 9N or 8N tractor is educational, providing a rewarding experience for everyone. Customers in a supermarket or mall viewing one or more tractors on the floor are given a special treat.
Displayed at a farmer's market they outstrip all other entertainers in public interest and provide a platform for childhood experiences remembered in photographs for a lifetime. Displayed in a firm's lobby they become a work of art that immediately
captures the interest of clients and helps form an initial sense of good will toward the company and it's employees.
N series in a retail setting.
Visit our history page to learn more about these unique machines. Take a browse of our photos of guest machines throughout the site, and learn about the details of restoration techniques and issues on the restoration page. The Leasing page gives details on tractors available for display and events and provides a point for contacting us.
Recent photo of a 1941 9N tractor taking a break while plowing land for planting.
Courtesy of Mr. Don Doan in Morgan Hill, CA.
Operator's view on an early Ford tractor.
For more information contact us.